Zài Jiàn China

Never this way again

“You get a strange feeling when you leave a place, like you’ll not only miss the people, but you’ll miss the person you are at this time and place because you’ll never be this way ever again.” Azar Nafisi

I hope you’ve enjoyed this edition of Square Melons, the journal and the photos we’ve shared over the last two years as we stepped way outside our comfort zone to celebrate the things that are the same and explore the things that are different.

As we pack up and prepare to return to Portland, I wanted to share with you a few pictures of the things we will miss and the memories we will have forever.

Zài Jiàn (See you again) China.

7 thoughts on “Zài Jiàn China

  1. Liz says:

    These are so great. Happy to have shared your adventure. Also happy to have you home for holidays (4th of july that is) I arrive in CO on June 29. You?

  2. kated2 says:

    Xie. Xie. For the blog.
    Now, don’t get too melancholy.
    In Chinese? Head like a melon. Face like a collie.
    See you in EM-land.

  3. Lani Shimer says:

    What an adventure!! I know that you will always carry the memories with you. A glimpse, a melody, the taste of certain food will evoke memories and you will think “where did that come from?” and then you will remember a time, a place, a person and you will smile.

  4. pablotxapa says:

    Thanks for sharing. Shanghai will never be the same without you!

  5. Evie says:

    Zai Jian is not goodbye 🙂
    China team will get you dumplings whenever you need!

  6. "onty potsie" says:

    Are you bringing home some great recipes?

  7. Margie Hunt says:

    Rosemary – can’t believe you’re headed home! What an adventure – and to have shared parts of it through Square Melons has been a privilege, not to mention, wonderfully entertaining. (One of my favorites: Go To Hell. I still laugh about that one.) I’ve become a hardcore fan of your extraordinary writing – a gift. Lots to share in the growing world of SOOR – look forward to seeing you back in our fair state. Safe travels!

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